Friday, September 24, 2010

What's Up This Week?

Over the last weekend alone, my system detected three websites with malware. Not good!

I've come across with a blog claiming that is made by a seven-year-old. Found it via EntreCard. Checked it out further the third time around. I was amazed that it has advertisements and all. I can't believe it's made and maintained by a seven-year-old. Uhm, I don't believe it's made and maintained by a seven-year-old. No hard feelings, please.

I might not crave for adobong squid for the next few months. My sister had a sort of diarrhea with vomiting the night we had it for dinner. I asked her to eat a half-teaspoonful of sugar and after almost an hour, she felt fine. Did sugar prove its wonders?

I always find the notebook line spaces too small for my handwriting.

Did you ever have a friend with a Droid Complex? Nope. Not jealous. I won't trade my Blackberry 8700 even if it's not a new one.

Haven't heard of the word 'bantulot' for such a long time. In my understanding, it means that one is not apt to speak, hesitant due to some fear.

I've been playing Farm Town and had to stopped. I got busy with this project that is almost done. And hated the fact that I needed to have 30 friends as 'neighbors' or 40 coins which is equal to about 40,000 Farm Town points, or about at least a week of playing long hours in a day.

Have you heard that someone from this confusing government is trying to pass a thing that would revert plastic licenses back to paper licenses? What do these people have in mind anyway? I guess this guy holds a dual citizenship approaching - if not yet there - senility. Oh, the other citizenship is senior citizenship.

My all-time highest score in Bejewelled Blitz is just about 278,000. I guess it's not going to get higher than that... I stopped playing!

When we were kids, we had a male doll named "Chopoy." I have always wondered where my mom got the name. She said the name came from the tag when they bought it. But I didn't believe because I've always known my parents to be creative in coining funny names.

Don't you get pissed off when someone tags you on Facebook with items for sale? I'm thankful I haven't been, but come to think of it, it goes right on your profile pictures which are supposed to be your profile photos - a thing that speaks about your profile.

Still on tags… I find it really, really funny when someone tags a guy with an 'items for sale,' and the item is a… ladie's blouse… LOL!

Who are you kidding, Robin and Mariel? All I can say is, have you heard stories about whirlwind romances?

Have you ever slept this good? Or is it just no one ever saw you yet? It's weekend and happy weekend, everyone! Hope you have a good night's sleep as good as this...

Our neighbor's cat, Pidong, often comes here to sleep and eat. He sets the carpet aside before he sleeps. The carpet was supposed to be his bedsheet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the cat.hahahahah. you should see mine too

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