Sunday, May 17, 2009

I Miss The Rant

And it has been a week...

  • I've not been busy, I must admit. I just got engrossed with the newest websites, social networking sites and all that has been fed to me ever since I can remember. I only had the time [and interest] to check it recently. Funny but one friend commented about me having several social networking sites. The truth is, I do not automatically go to these sites to create an account. It all starts with invites. I kind of ignore the first, second, third and fourth. But the fifth would finally get my attention. The thing is some friends are in this site and others are not; some are there but not on this so-and-so site. So, to have my updates of these friends, I join their sites. But true to what has been said about friendster before, those people who have like threeorfourorfive hundred friends are not even "friends personally" with those hundreds. And I really believe that. With friendster, I used have like just about 20, and it only increased up to a hundred after four years. So, right now, I tweet, I plurk, I am at FaceBook. With only about 20 people at the most per site, I am happy with what I have.
  • Anyway, I've been also busy since the week began because of some backlogs as I got sick. That's why I once tweeted here that I love-hate being sick. And also, my GoogleReader seems to attract new websites at the rate of two a day, average. There are a lot of interesting sites that most of them occupies my online time; that which I actually enjoy. The only part that I don't like the most is that it takes away a lot of time from my book-reading. But, no qualms, it's actually working perfectly fine with me.
  • If you have read about the OFW encounter I had last week, I have an update... surprisingly. I didn't mention that I gave her my visiting card [business card] for future reference and just in case. Well, she called me late this afternoon to really thank me [as per what she said] and to ask for an advice. She'd been looking for work and a lot are interested in hiring her. But there is a problem. It turned out she discovered that she's holding an employment visa and she would need a cancellation from her previous sponsor/employer so she can get another work. I told her I would ask around what else could be done aside from going to the consulate. Actually, going to the consulate would have been the best advice I can tell her but then, I have heard some news that it only does a little help, if there is any at all. I half-believe that, too. I guess she heard about it as well. Again, my heart bleeds for this.

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