Saturday, September 18, 2010


I think "Things Mommy Said" will have to be an ongoing thing. It may not be a daily post but it will come as we realize more things about life. As we realize more things mommy said that we kind of took for granted. Please use the label "Mommy Said" to get into its archive.

I went to my niece's school for some errands and this caught my eye.

I find the acronym both interesting and amusing.

And of course, this is one of the things our mothers taught us, but I know a lot of people do not keep in mind. This reminder is posted at the elementary department of the school. It's good to start them early. I am a believer that being a kid is not an excuse to excuse them from house rules. In fact, the best time to teach kids is while they are kids. I am a believer that a child is like a clay and you can mold them to what you want them to become.

On the other hand, we had a share of a meal at the feast of Mahal na Birheng Ina ng Awa (Our Lady of Sorrows) and I was actually annoyed that a lot of people just left their plates after eating their thanksgiving meal. The volunteers even had to announceremind them to bring their plates at the sink after eating. I thought, 'I think this is the best place to put the sign even just for that day.'

This also reminded me of my days as an OFW. I shared a room with at least five people at one time or another and although most of my room mates practice the rule, there is always one willing person to not practice it and it's really annoying to see unwashed plates at the side of the sink.

I guess the garden almost always has to have some weeds.

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