Sunday, November 2, 2008


30 October 2008

Two ironies in two days.

A friend of mine called me early in the morning yesterday (like 4.00 am… the sweetest thing for me though) to ask me how I'm doing here in Dubai. I told her everything's fine and that I am good. So, I asked, too, since it's been months since we talked. She said she had met a minor accident and that she's recovered and would start working again this week. So, that's irony number one.

I've been working out a deal since the middle of this month. Our proposal was declined due to reasons that wasn't disclosed. I just assumed it was the premium. But I got a call this morning reviving the negotiations. Aha! Closing stage! I called the insurance company to verify everything before requiring documents from the client. But, wait… Ugh! They declined… Reason? They're not taking Arabs. Hmmm… Beats me… That's irony number 2, day 2.s

On the news today… wow, it's only 56 days to Christmas. But I forgot that the day after tomorrow is All Saint's Day.

Uh-oh… it's either I'm looking too far back to yesterdays or I am looking too far ahead… LOL…

Anyway, it's a no-badminton weekend...

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