Thursday, April 30, 2009
A Thin Line... Again
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Cross-blogging errors
Friday, April 24, 2009
Half-Music, Half-Life
- Put your MP3 player, iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on Shuffle.
- For each question, press the Next button to get your answer.
Old School?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Little Wonders
- I've been feeling quite a little exhausted lately. I am not sure if it's from lack of sleep or just that I am having busy days. Either way, I look forward to weekends so I can wake up a little later than usual and just stay home and do house chores and all. The wonder of it all is that I feel refresh after the weekend. I'm still wondering if our boss will give us the Saturday off.
- The Mill on the Floss is interesting. Though I must say that a there are a lot of distractions lately that I am really going too slow in reading it. Just the same, I have been putting off "Twilight" since I started on "One Hundred Years of Solitude" but couldn't get myself to engage in it all throughout. Also, I stopped reading while on the bus. I started to listening to the radio, instead. I'll get on again with it probly next week.
- I've been hearing this song more often on the radio the past days. I kinda liked it the first time but I didn't get the title, until today. I was thinking that probably - because of the airtime it's getting - it's the DJ's personal favorite. One thing I like about tuning in to the radio [with the '80's orientation] is that it refreshes me of those songs that I've known but have quite forgotten. This one, I am sure it's not the '80s but it caught my attention at one time or another.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Too Tired
Mimi finally left for Pinas for her vacation. She's going to be there for about two months. I helped her with her final packing which is like she just started… hehehehehe… Oh well, she's been one of my comfort zones here in Dubai and it's kinda sad that she won't be around for a while.
But anyway, I couldn't get to go the airport with her anymore because I am too tired already. Too tired to think, too. I'm off to bed now… I just didn't want to miss posting these two good songs I heard today...
Monday, April 20, 2009
Pinoy Sunday
I was again at the Sheikh Zayed area for a policy requested by my client there. Honestly, I get a little excited when I know that I'll be going to the area. Because, of course, I will see again the Burj Dubai (currently the world's tallest tower). At the bus stop, you can see this HUGE thing. But as I looked closer, I was like… hmm, it's been more than a month that I have been here and I feel like there's not a lot of improvement. Remember I took a shot of the tip of the burj? Well, there weren't many changes, so I opted not to take a photo.
For a news about Pinoys in Dubai: Alleged robber was desperate for money.
Yeah, I know, I was frustrated when I read that the suspect is a Filipino. The funny thing is, on my way home from that bus stop across the street [which is a longer route], as I was walking, I was thinking: is it still safe here? I didn't have to worry that much since our place stands just behind one of the community's largest and most-visited supermarket. But then, as I was reading this, I think I have every reason to doubt. And the more reason to worry, since it's one of us that's involved. And I think it's not impossible that another Filipino will strike another Kabayan. Oh well, one of the reasons why I like it here is the fact that you can talk on your mobile while walking and not worry about snatchers. Oh well… I think it's getting tough everywhere.
Anyway, this 2-day-no-job-weekend did good for me. I feel a little relax and well-rested today. I really hope that my boss would reconsider giving us the Saturday off to give us more time to relax. Hehehehehe…
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I write about everything. I write about my chat with friends, what I did this morning, my moods, but I don't write about my conversations. First reason is, I rarely have conversations these days. Second is, I don't normally talk about them, giving reverence to it even if it's just shallow. But just this once, I will give in to a request.
Someone, ironically, told me once, she read it that: The word LIE sits within the word BELIEVE. I said, 'oo nga ano?' And eventually, this same friend lied to me about her flight back home. But that's another story.
We all lie. But how much can we tell and how much can we take? How can a lie be something that makes you live?
We can only take too much, we can stretch to make room. But at the end of the day, it's still LOVE at the end of the line. The way they make us laugh like no one else ever did; the way they make us feel like no one else ever did. So, we ignore the lies and see HOPE. We start believing that HOPE is like a light at the end of the tunnel. We can also take hope as a wind we can ride. Hoping things would change like the winds shift their breeze and we can just switch our sails to go on and shift sails as the wind blows.
Compromise. Will you settle for a compromise after being lied to? Is that really how much we love? How deep we fall? How far we will go? How high we will climb? All for the sake of saving a relationship? All to go on riding high with the feelings they make us feel?
I said, "Compromise hurts."
She says, "No, it doesn't, it's just a wake up call to a relationship, a warning."
Oh well, we don't even know if it made sense. Sometimes, it's as if nothing seems to make sense at all in this world. But then, it's a conversation. Something with someone that you won't be afraid to say what you feel, what you like and not worry about what the other will think of. It's the kind of thing that you don't get with coffee shops, night clubs, bars, and what not. We all are afraid to get into a conversation these days, because sometimes people think that if we do not agree, then we shouldn't be talking and at the same time taking it a little personal. But, what is there to talk about when you agree on things? Like "yeah, that's right… I agree." Then, that's it, you take another sip on your coffee and hope that by the time it reaches your gastro either of you would have thought of another topic… that you can agree upon. Oh crap, best foot forward… all the time… uch! That sucks!
We all are looking for love. We all are looking for someone to love us and someone who we can love, too. But what if sometimes, some look for someone who can give something for love? Then it all becomes different. It becomes a lie more than a truth. It becomes a want more than a need. And it hurts like hell when it goes this bad, right? But we pick up the pieces, alone, in the dark, hoping a friend to be there. And I say, but this I didn't get to tell, for this came upon me while I was taking a shower.
At the end of the day, it's not about what you have and what you can do. It's just about being there.
I know she knows that, too. But as my boss once told me, "Sometimes it is good to have someone to bounce it off to. Even if you already know."
It seems endless, yeah, because it is. The spontaneity of it all. But I leave you with this [this is a pretty good question] in which we [again] disagreed on a lot of points:
If you have a month to live, and you've seen your girlfriend/boyfriend with someone, but she's trying and showing that she wants you or need you… will you let her go? Even if in fact you know the that someone is just a necessity for the time-being?
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Sense of Sensitivity
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Read Mode
Monday, April 6, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Where I Am
- Being a Saturday, I went home early. I took the bus that stopped nearer; just so because it was the first bus that came while I was waiting. But I also want to take this route every so often because it snakes its way beside the creek which is one of my favorite places here. As we entered the creek side (which is called Baniyas Road), I sensed that there was something different. My mind begun reviewing my past trips on that route. I thought hard because I really want to confirm that there is really something wrong and that I am NOT just imagining things. Then, almost halfway through, it came to me. I could see these abras (boats) clearly. The difference before is that back then (I think about a year ago) I couldn't have take a look at those abras because of loads and loads of cargoes - tires, appliances, tanks, boxes and boxes of who-knows-what. I have always wanted to see those very old abras (and one time I even want to shoot pictures) but couldn't because of these merchandises. Then, of course, we ask questions. Like how is it possible now than before? It didn't take long for me to answer it myself. Less and less demands since more people left the country already.
- The route also passes by one of these malls/centers. It was a red signal so I had some time to watch people who came in and got out of the mall. One group of women [there are about five of them] was just about to enter the mall. All of them were in their black abayas, happy and gay and chatting. I watched them happily, too. Because lately, it is very seldom that I get to see a group of women wearing abayas. As they entered, I began to wonder: they are all in black... how do they recognize each other since I cannot tell myself how they all look like? I know they know. It's just that I just thought and wondered.
- A year ago last April 2, I would have completed one year here in Dubai. But since I went home and came back November 2007, I am taking it as my official one-year-date here. Well, I just took note of that because of the weather. I think March and April's weather are probably the best of the year's weather. This afternoon while walking home, I was feeling relaxed and cool since the air is still colder. A lot of times I don't feel like I am here at all. It's probably because of the routinely day every day that makes it not-so-out-of-the-country feeling. Sometimes, I have to look around me to see the dates and the customary Arabic architecture to remind myself that I am where I am currently. It's not that I don't miss home, I do, and a whole lot lately. It's just that my feeling is like it's all the same wherever you are - you got to ride the bus to get to work, you got to work, you got to get home, cook your own food, do your laundry and all. Oh well, what difference does it make? Gotta work...
Never Ever - All Saints
Friday, April 3, 2009
Friday's Done

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Round The Bend
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Wednesday Rant

Angst-Ridden Bitches
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