Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Trying Hard Kasi

Trying hard was such a negative word when I was growing up. Back then, it meant that you're trying hard to do something, to have something that is way out of your abilities, way out of your reach.

It's so sad that it's been a part of our culture to look down on someone who is trying hard. This phrase has a negative connotation. Hurtfully, it became an negative adjective. You are a 'trying hard' if you are poor and trying to get something that they think is only for the rich; if you are someone who looks like someone who can't afford something but finally gets it.

But if you really think hard about it, don't we all have to try hard?

We try harder to get what we want. We try harder to have what we have always dreamed of. There is nothing wrong in trying hard.

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