I had the opportunity to walk in a mini-park on an island on the place here called Al Muteena. I was kinda relieved to see date trees on the sides. But the thing is the only thing it could give you is a shade from the sun's rays, but not the cool breeze I used to feel back home when I am under the shelter of trees. So, as you may well have guessed, I again got nostalgic about home. Back home, a tree meant a shade from the heat and a cool breeze comes as you stay even for just a while. It offers rest and comfort for that short time you will stay. But here, I walked for over five hundred meters of date trees left and right, but it offered now breeze.
As I said, summer is officially here. This morning, my colleague told me that Ramadan will start on August 20th, as opposed to what I know which is August 21st. But who knows who among us is right? It will fall on either one of these days, depending on the appearance of the moon. So, we will only know once the moon comes out during one of those nights. That's how they do it here.